My Housing Situation, in Chaojhou Taiwan!
My roommate David, and I share a apartment with this Taiwanese man named Dirk. Dirk is a elementary school teacher, and gets reimbursed by King Car who is funding our time in Taiwan. I get to have my own room! I have never had my own room before! I plan to repaint the walls in my room sometime soon. I am thinking of painting them a royal blue color. I had to buy myself some shelves to put some of my belongings into. The apartment does not have a dryer, so we have to hang dry our clothes. In Taiwan, it is not healthy for you to drink the tap water, so you have to get it out of a water purifying machine. Our apartment does not have one, so we have to go to the girl’s apartment if we need water. Most of the time so far we have been eating out, but if me and David ever wanted to cook something at our apartment, we would have to go the girl’s apartment to use their kitchen. Our kitchen is really small! Other than that, our apartment is great!

ere is my room!!

Here is my armoire!
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